Teacher Version

Updating the EV3 Linux Kernel
Topics Covered
- Updating EV3 Linux Kernel
Check Your Understanding
- Why is it important to update the Linux operating system on the EV3?
- Because Windows runs slower on the EV3
- So that ROBOTC can take full advantage of the EV3's capabilities
- It is optional, not important
- So that the EV3 can connect to the Internet
- True or False: You must update the Linux Kernel any time you change the battery.
- True: Changing the battery requires the Linux Kernel to be re-downloaded.
- False: You only need to update the Linux Kernel when you update ROBOTC, or start working on a new EV3 brick.
Did you know? LEGO EV3 and Linux

The EV3 uses the Linux operation system at the heart of it's hardware.
Linux is one of the most popular operating systems in the world, being used in over 95% of the world's supercomputers.
Linux is available on many platforms, from mobile phones, desktop computers, servers, cloud computing infrastructure, and now robotics!